It’s time for OCWLA’s annual election for nine (9) Director positions. The time commitment for an OCWLA Director is a one (1) year term, and includes: (i) attendance at the OCWLA monthly Board meetings; (ii) attendance at the OCWLA monthly lunch or evening programs; (iii) participation in OCWLA committees; and, (iv) participation in the Board Planning Retreat. Collegiality and camaraderie are all integral to the OCWLA Board experience.
If you are interested in running, please submit a short Candidate's Statement and photo to Kaity Van Amersfort, OCWLA Executive Director, by the close of business on Friday, October 8, 2021, via email: The 2022 Slate of Director candidates will be presented to the membership via e-blast the following week.
This year, in light of the current pandemic, the 2022 Slate of Directors will be invited to introduce themselves at a virtual Meet the Candidates Mixer held during lunch on Wednesday, October 13, 2021.
The Election will open immediately following the Meet the Candidates Mixer and will close immediately following the OCWLA November meeting. Election results will be announced at the end of the meeting. Installation of the 2022 Board of Officers and Directors will take place at the OCWLA Installation Dinner at a location (in-person or virtual) and on a date to-be-determined.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kaity Van Amersfort at