Orange County Superior Court Judge Wendy Lindley to be Honored by Orange County Trial Lawyers Association

The Orange County Trial Lawyers Association will be recognizing retiring Orange County Superior Court Judge and 2012 OCBA Harmon G. Scoville Award Honoree Wendy Lindley at this year’s Top Gun Awards Dinner and Silent Auction.  Judge Lindley is the pioneer of what is now known as the Orange County Collaborative Courts.  Through the Collaborative Courts, Judge Lindley has allowed an untold number of people to turn their lives around and become better citizens and family members and, in the process, has saved the county millions in jail and prison bed costs. 

Join the OCTLA as they honor Judge Lindley and wish her well in retirement at the upcoming Top Gun Awards Program Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013 at the Montage, Laguna Beach. For more information about the event, click here