Call for Applications: Judicial Council State Bar Appointment

Application Deadline:  Friday, June 23, 2017
Term Begins: Friday, Sept. 15, 2017
Click here to apply.

The Judicial Council is the constitutionally created policy making body of the California courts, the largest court system in the nation. Under the leadership of the Chief Justice and in accordance with the California Constitution, the council is responsible for ensuring the consistent, independent, impartial and accessible administration of justice. Judicial Council staff implements the council's policies.

In 2017, the State Bar has one appointment to the Judicial Council for a three-year term beginning Sept. 15, 2017, and ending Sept. 14, 2020. The new council member will be expected to attend an orientation to be held in conjunction with the council's August 2017 meeting.

  • The Judicial Council consists of the Chief Justice, who serves as the council's chair; 14 judges appointed by the Chief Justice; four lawyer members appointed by the State Bar; one member from each house of the California Legislature; and the Administrative Director, who serves as secretary.
  • Members serve staggered terms, with approximately a third of the membership rotating off each year.
  • Service on the council is a significant time commitment (approximately 300 hours a year for meetings and assignments). Meetings are held six to eight times a year, with the meetings typically set for two days (usually Thursday and Friday).
  • Members receive no compensation for services but are reimbursed by the council for approved travel expenses.

Details about service on the council and the council's governance policies are available at its website. State Bar criteria deemed important for service on the council are:

  • demonstrated interest in and experience with court administration issues;
  • broad experience in the legal field;
  • a keen analytical ability, independent judgment and a big picture perspective regarding the role of the judicial branch;
  • collegial working relationships; and
  • credibility as a leader both within the home county and statewide.

The State Bar's Board of Trustees is expected to make the appointment at its July 2017 meeting. At its discretion, the board's appointments committee may conduct interviews of selected applicants.
