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OCBA Workers' Compensation Section Meeting

An Overview of a Workers’ Compensation Claim

 Start Date - End Date

June 07, 2024

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Online registration for this event is not available at this time.
To enquire, please contact our membership department at (949) 440.6700 x384
Advance Registration Required.
If you are an attorney in Orange County, you may have a profile with us. Click Here to retrieve your OCBA log in credentials. For assistance, please email
Webinar ONLY
Mateo Aguilar, Esq.
Vice-President of Claims, State Compensation Insurance Fund
An Overview of a Workers’ Compensation Claim
This class is an overview of the three major areas of a worker’s compensation claim: Intake and Evaluation Requirements, Medical Management and Return to Work, and Permanent Disability Determination

This program is approved for 1.00 CLE Credit. Attendees must have participated in the program in its entirety to receive MCLE credit.
Cancellations must be received in writing via fax or email three (3) business days prior to meeting date to receive a refund.

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