Notice to in-person OCBA meeting and event attendees:
All attendees will be required to follow all California and CDC COVID-19 guidelines then in place.

OCBA Mommy Esquire Monthly Meeting

Teaching Our Kids to Fight Hate for Good

 Start Date - End Date

August 21, 2019

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Online registration for this event is not available at this time.
To enquire, please contact our membership department at (949) 440.6700 x384
Peter Levi
Anti-Defamation League
Teaching Our Kids to Fight Hate for Good
Please join FLOC, Mommy Esq., and the OCJBA for a presentation from the Anti-Defamation League on how to help our kids understand bullying behaviors related to race, religion, and diversity, so that our kids can become advocates for themselves and their peers. Rabbi Peter Levi, Regional Director for the ADL’s Orange County/Long Beach office, will lead this timely presentation on the importance of honing the tools in our parenting toolbox so that we can appropriately handle these issues when they arise. Peter will share ideas about how to have these conversations with our kids and will direct us to strategies and resources to help us have these conversations. Peter will also explain the importance of understanding our own biases, so that we can address them to serve as role models for our kids.

Cancellations must be received in writing via fax or email three (3) business days prior to meeting date to receive a refund.

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Location Information

4101 Westerly Place
Newport Beach, CA 92660

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