Notice to in-person OCBA meeting and event attendees:
All attendees will be required to follow all California and CDC COVID-19 guidelines then in place.

OCBA Mommy Esquire Monthly Meeting

Childhood Milestones: Lunch With Pretend City

 Start Date - End Date

January 15, 2019

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Online registration for this event is not available at this time.
To enquire, please contact our membership department at (949) 440.6700 x384
Pretend City Children's Museum
Childhood Milestones: Lunch With Pretend City
You know your child best… Discover a key strategy that will empower you to know your child even better. As parents we want to ensure that our children are developing on target and to identify any areas where they might need a little extra boost. Pretend City Children’s Museum will introduce us to a powerful tool to help celebrate the milestones your child has reached and answer questions about what you can do next to support your child’s continued healthy development.

Seating is limited. Please register in advance.

Available Functions


NameOrganizationSpeaking At

Location Information

4101 Westerly Place
Newport Beach, CA 92660

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