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OCBA Health Care Law Section Meeting

2023 Tele-Healthcare Law Update: Virtual Healthcare’s Evolving Legal Landscape After The Covid-19 Pandemic

 Start Date - End Date

November 16, 2023

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Online registration for this event is not available at this time.
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Advance Registration Required.            
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Michael S. Winsten
Winsten Law Group
2023 Tele-Healthcare Law Update: Virtual Healthcare’s Evolving Legal Landscape After The Covid-19 Pandemic
Almost every non-emergency healthcare setting migrated into some form of virtual healthcare services during the Covid-19 Pandemic. What quickly surfaced was a realization that healthcare laws were not well suited for this rapidly evolving healthcare environment. After a slow start, legislative bodies and healthcare agencies went into high gear promulgating new laws and regulations needed to regulate and facilitate virtual healthcare services. This program will survey this legal evolution, outline the current state of healthcare laws regulating both the intra-state and inter-state delivery of virtual healthcare services. The program will conclude with an overview of the fraud and abuse the government identified and charged as a result of this rapid expansion.

Limited in-person space available. NO WALK-INS. Zoom Only participants will receive the webinar link closer to the meeting date.  
This program is approved for 1.00 CLE Credit. Attendees must have participated in the program in its entirety to receive MCLE credit.
Cancellations must be received in writing via fax or email three (3) business days prior to meeting date to receive a refund.     

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